Conky is an advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. It looks very nice on the desktop. Works with LINUX/BSD/UNIX-like OSes. You can find all the information you need on their site
After installing the necessary packages for your distribution all you need to do is to provide a configuration file (.conkyrc) in your home directory. You can either write one yourself using the variables provided here Conky Variables and the config file settings found here Config File Settings or use a configuration file you found on the web.
Here are some screenshots of mine running and the configuration file i use.
background yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
update_interval 1
out_to_console no
use_xft yes
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=10
xftalpha 0.8
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
#own_window_type root
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
alignment top_left
gap_x 13
gap_y 13
minimum_size 210
draw_graph_borders no
draw_outline yes
draw_shades yes
use_spacer yes
no_buffers no
color0 00B3FF
color1 ffffff
color2 FF6600
color3 004674
color4 07DB00
color5 00FFFF
${color0}Date: ${color1}${time %A, %e %B %G}
${color0}Time: ${color1}${time %H:%M:%S %Z}
${color0}Uptime: ${color1}${uptime}
${color0}Kernel: ${color1}${kernel}
${color0}#1: ${color1}${freq_g 1} GHz ${cpu cpu1}%${offset 2}${color0}#2: ${color1}${freq_g 2} GHz ${cpu cpu2}%
${color3}${cpugraph cpu1 15,114 000000 FFFFFF}${offset 2}${color3}${cpugraph cpu2 15,114 000000 FFFFFF}
${color0}Name${offset 102}PID${offset 18}CPU%${offset 18}MEM%
${color4}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color1}${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color1}${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color0}Name${offset 102}PID${offset 18}CPU%${offset 18}MEM%
${color4}${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color1}${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${color1}${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem cpu 3} ${top_mem mem 3}
${color0}Ram: ${color1}${memperc}% ${mem}/${memmax}
${color3}${membar 3,230}
${color0}Swap: ${color1}${swapperc}% ${swap}/${swapmax}
${color3}${swapbar 3,230}
${color0}/: ${color1}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
${color3}${fs_bar 3,230 /}
${color0}/home: ${color1}${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}
${color3}${fs_bar 3,230 /home}
${color0}Essid: ${color1}${wireless_essid wlan0} ${color0}AP: ${color1}${wireless_ap wlan0}
${color0}Link Quality: ${color1} ${wireless_link_qual wlan0}/${wireless_link_qual_max wlan0}
${color3}${wireless_link_bar 3,230wlan0}
${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlan0}k/s${offset 32}${color0}Up: ${color1}${upspeed wlan0}k/s
${color3}${downspeedgraph wlan0 15,114 000000 ffffff}${offset 2}${upspeedgraph wlan0 15,114 000000 ffffff}
${color0}Status: ${color1}${battery} ${color0}Left: ${color1}${battery_time}${if_empty $battery_time}N/A${endif}
${color3}${battery_bar 3,230}
After installing the necessary packages for your distribution all you need to do is to provide a configuration file (.conkyrc) in your home directory. You can either write one yourself using the variables provided here Conky Variables and the config file settings found here Config File Settings or use a configuration file you found on the web.
Here are some screenshots of mine running and the configuration file i use.
background yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
update_interval 1
out_to_console no
use_xft yes
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=10
xftalpha 0.8
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
#own_window_type root
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
alignment top_left
gap_x 13
gap_y 13
minimum_size 210
draw_graph_borders no
draw_outline yes
draw_shades yes
use_spacer yes
no_buffers no
color0 00B3FF
color1 ffffff
color2 FF6600
color3 004674
color4 07DB00
color5 00FFFF
${color0}Date: ${color1}${time %A, %e %B %G}
${color0}Time: ${color1}${time %H:%M:%S %Z}
${color0}Uptime: ${color1}${uptime}
${color0}Kernel: ${color1}${kernel}
${color0}#1: ${color1}${freq_g 1} GHz ${cpu cpu1}%${offset 2}${color0}#2: ${color1}${freq_g 2} GHz ${cpu cpu2}%
${color3}${cpugraph cpu1 15,114 000000 FFFFFF}${offset 2}${color3}${cpugraph cpu2 15,114 000000 FFFFFF}
${color0}Name${offset 102}PID${offset 18}CPU%${offset 18}MEM%
${color4}${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color1}${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color1}${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color0}Name${offset 102}PID${offset 18}CPU%${offset 18}MEM%
${color4}${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color1}${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${color1}${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem cpu 3} ${top_mem mem 3}
${color0}Ram: ${color1}${memperc}% ${mem}/${memmax}
${color3}${membar 3,230}
${color0}Swap: ${color1}${swapperc}% ${swap}/${swapmax}
${color3}${swapbar 3,230}
${color0}/: ${color1}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
${color3}${fs_bar 3,230 /}
${color0}/home: ${color1}${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}
${color3}${fs_bar 3,230 /home}
${color0}Essid: ${color1}${wireless_essid wlan0} ${color0}AP: ${color1}${wireless_ap wlan0}
${color0}Link Quality: ${color1} ${wireless_link_qual wlan0}/${wireless_link_qual_max wlan0}
${color3}${wireless_link_bar 3,230wlan0}
${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlan0}k/s${offset 32}${color0}Up: ${color1}${upspeed wlan0}k/s
${color3}${downspeedgraph wlan0 15,114 000000 ffffff}${offset 2}${upspeedgraph wlan0 15,114 000000 ffffff}
${color0}Status: ${color1}${battery} ${color0}Left: ${color1}${battery_time}${if_empty $battery_time}N/A${endif}
${color3}${battery_bar 3,230}